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Environmental Management


Environmental Management Systems - EMS ISO 14001: 2015


Environmental Monitoring Programs


Environmental Support Services

EMS ISO 14001: 2015

Environmental Management Systems

Are your business goals green?

The past decade has seen an increase in the public awareness of environmental issues, particularly relating to the obligations of corporations and businesses to act responsibly.


The growing demands placed on businesses in relation to environmental concerns is increasing from all directions, and there is a growing need for organisations to monitor and address their environmental performance and accept responsibility for their actions.


Activities that impact upon the environment such as water and land degradation, air pollution, industrial noise, waste disposal and chemical spillages are no longer tolerated, and the emphasis is now on each organisation to demonstrate initiative in dealing with such issues.

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So where do you start?

Each of us can make a contribution to the improvement of environmental conditions and your business can make a difference to the environment by aiming for clean, green processes.

To assist your organisation in managing such delicate and potentially damaging issues, EQAS Business Development can assist you in the implementation of an Environmental Management System that is internationally accepted and recognised. Such a system will provide you with the means for managing all aspects of your organisation's environmental performance whilst improving the status of the organisation's public perception.

Make a difference to your business and the earth's future.

The benefits offered through implementation of an Environmental Management System include:

  • A documented system for the management and control of potentially damaging environmental impacts

  • Improved efficiency of resource usage leading to improved profitability

  • Reduction in regulatory costs

  • Improved image and marketability among your customers

  • Internationally recognised achievement of acceptable environmental performance

  • Increased access to domestic and international markets

  • Improved relationship and interaction between employees and management

  • The improved welfare and safety of employees and the public at large


In assisting with the implementation process, EQAS Business Development will provide your organisation with documented policies and procedures that demonstrate the steps your organisation has taken to identify and manage its environmental responsibilities and performance. Ultimately, such commitment will be rewarded with accreditation to the International Environmental Management Standard, ISO14001: 2015.


Environmental Management System (EMS)

Earn Trust of Stakeholders

An ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS) gives organisations a systematic approach to improving their environmental performance with efficient use of resources and waste reduction, which builds trust in the marketplace.

Manage Environmental Risks

Our ISO 14001 EMS development and implementation program provides a best-practice framework for assisting organisations to identify and manage environmental risks in their operations.



Implementing an ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS) will help achieve environmental improvement goals and ensure environmental legal compliance.

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Reduce Costs

Implementing an EMS will identify wasteful activities and processes, and help reduce associated costs such as energy consumption, raw materials, transport and waste management.

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Drive Innovation

The disciplined maintenance of an EMS focusses worker attention on providing more eco-sustainable product and service solutions.

Strengthen Your Environmental Initiatives with a formal 14001 EMS

Many businesses are implementing environmental initiatives; it just makes sense. However also having a formal 14001 EMS will verify these initiatives, continually develop them, stimulate the identification of new ones, and give your business public recognition of your environmental commitment.

Environmental Monitoring Programs

Do you have an EPA licensed site?

If you are discharging certain amounts of waste to the environment, you need authority from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  This authority usually comes in the form of a licence and covers emissions to air, land and water and noise.

Do your licence conditions require you to establish and maintain an environmental monitoring program, and provide reports to the EPA?

The Environment Protection Act empowers the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) to impose conditions in an environmental authorisation.   These can require the licensee to test or monitor the environmental effects of an activity and to make specified reports to the EPA on the results of such monitoring.

Do you need to obtain independent verification of your monitoring program?

The EPA may require independent verification of the environmental monitoring you carry out, to ensure that the results of such monitoring can be used confidently as a measure of environmental impacts and improvement in discharge quality.

EQAS can help you

If you need to establish a monitoring program and provide an independent verification report to the EPA, then EQAS can help you.  EQAS is a specialist risk management system consultancy providing workplace inspection, audit, training, and management system expertise in the areas of environmental management.

EQAS will not only develop your monitoring program, but conduct an independent professional audit of your program processes and records, and provide a documented report to indicate whether the results you report to the EPA are accurate and whether appropriate controls and procedures have been followed.

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